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Project Cars 2 - update 5

Ώρα για ένα ακόμα update του Project Cars 2. Όπως ανακοίνωσε η δημιουργός Slightly Mad, το πέμπτο βαρβάτο update του Project Cars 2 είναι πλέον διαθέσιμο στο PC και σύντομα στις κονσόλες. Το update φέρνει μεταξύ άλλων και ένα νέο bonus αυτοκίνητο, τη Ferrari 488 Challenge. Δείτε τις (γενικές) αλλαγές παρακάτω και πείτε μας αν παίζετε Project Cars 2!

Addition of the Ferrari 488 Challenge car, and liveries from the 2017 Ferrari Challenge series. This is the latest Ferrari to feature in Maranello’s single-marque championship, and the most powerful car in the series’ 25-year history.  
Addition of two new layouts to the Porsche Leipzig on-road circuit.
Corrected a small number of turbo and suspension issues on various cars.
Resolved an issue where some drivers would appear stuck on track during qualification or race session.
Resolved an issue where the end of race results would display incorrectly.
Resolved multiple ghost loading issues in time trial.
Polished the Online Reputation calculations, including tweaks for when players retire due to excess damage.
Corrected an occasional issue of players being taken to the wrong lobby if the host set up a new lobby whilst the old one was populated.
Mechanical failures no longer include aerodynamic damage.
Various improvements to the AI at a number of tracks and conditions.
Solved an issue in career when, under certain circumstances, the standings would not display correctly.
Multiple other miscellaneous fixes and optimisations.